Senin, 11 November 2013

The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Recap: Mean Girls Club

The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Recap: Mean Girls Club

The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills have a  "Faint Chance"  of being real friends but the mean girls club looks like it's full up. We recap it all in our THG +/- review.

Lisa Vanderpump put it all out there when she went on Dancing With the Stars and the experience definitely had its ups and down.

Dancing with Lisa

The upside:  She was able to basically make out with a hot, young guy while her husband watched from the sidelines. Plus 20.

The downside: She put herself out there for the mean girls to tear her apart.

How some things never change. Kyle and Kim Richards just can't seem to help themselves. Instead of wondering if their "friend" was OK when she passed out on TV, they immediately ripped her to pieces. 

Minus 33. They not only accused her of fake fainting they added the extra dig that she did it badly.  

Really ladies? Are you still stuck in junior high?

And to think I was hoping that Kim was going to be better this season. Well, it looks like she's clean and sober which is a huge step forward. Plus 40. Also training her dog, Kingsley will probably be good for her.

An extra plus 10 for having a real dog. I'm sorry but those little tea cup, froufrou dogs just don't cut it as a canine.

But when it comes to Lisa's performance on Dancing With the Stars, as least she had the guts to go out there and do it.

Perhaps the mean girls are being catty because no one asked them to dance.

Lisa may not be long for dancing on TV but that doesn't mean it's out of her system. She's planning on opening a new gay club called Pump. Plus 15. I can't wait to see it.

The entire episode seemed to be split into two camps.

Lisa invited Brandi Glanville and Yolanda over for some of George Clooney's tequila.

Brandi's mom (who looks incredibly normal, go figure?) helped her move into her new place.

Brandi's been up and down the success ladder a few times. This time she's headed back up…although she claims going down can be fun sometimes.

Plus 13. That's just so Brandi.

Over in Malibu, Yolanda's been struggling with her Lyme disease but has been impressed that her husband has taken his in sickness and in health vows seriously and has stuck by her side.

Minus 18. Isn't that what he's suppose to do. But this is Beverly Hills where trading in for a newer model is what's expected.

Across town Kyle invites Carlton, Joyce, and her friend Sharon over for a day of bee killing and story time.

It was a little like a coven gone wrong and does anyone really want to be a member of the snorting girls club? Minus 22.

Did we really need to hear about Lisa's breast milk leakage?  Worse was hearing Joyce coo about how her husband was the man of her dreams from the moment she saw him.

Him? Seriously? How rich is he?

I don't know what to make of Carlton just yet. Apparently her home really is her castle. I couldn't tell if she was going to pray for the dead bee or cast a spell on Kyle and Sharon.

Do you think Lisa faked her faint? Were Kyle and Kim being mean girls? And what's your take on the new girls Carlton and Joyce on this season's The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills?

Episode total = +25!                                    Season total = +100!

The Hollywood Gossip

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