Minggu, 27 Oktober 2013

Miley Cyrus Announes 2014 Bangerz Tour

Miley Cyrus Announes 2014 Bangerz Tour

Stick out your tongues and shake your rear end, Miley Cyrus fans.

The singer may be coming to a city near you!

The 20-year old crashed Edward Norton's Saturday Night Live monologue yesterday and announced to the world that she's scheduled to hit the road early next year in promotion of her album Bangerz.

Edward Norton and Miley Cyrus

"Really quick, I'd just like to announce to all of my fans that I am about to be going on tour," Cyrus said alongside the actor, giving Norton advice on how to host the show and later adding via Twitter:

"I'm gooooing on tooooooour!! #Bangerz2014Tour. #Drinkinouttavasesamirightttt #celebrate #Bangerztour2014."

Miley, of course, hosted SNL herself a few weeks ago, mocking the government shutdown and pretending to make a sex tape during her time in charge.

She is yet to release any dates or locales for her 2014 tour.

The Hollywood Gossip

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